Monday, September 8, 2008

Synchronicity Fine Arts Podcast

Okay, folks, here it is, click on the title and the podcast will play. The song that accompanies the first part is made with my fiddle, and the sounds of sanding the edge of one of the Pictorial Webster's, the Linotype and the Vandercook. To download the podcast it should be available on i-tunes shortly search for "Quercus Pressing Thoughts" in the Podcast area. If you do not have an ipod There will be an ipod at Synchronicity that you may borrow. The images are not as complete as I would have hoped for the podcast - if I get lots of posts that people are listening/watching it I will update, but I have thrown way too much time into this - woah, my deepest respects to all of you podcasters. It is interesting to think of sound in such a visual manner that digital recording allows. I hope you will enjoy the podcast - at about minute 18 it all starts to really come together! 

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